Eye conditions
Eye Floaters are spots in your vision caused by aging of the vitreous gel inside the eye. Although they are often benign, they can cause disturbance to the vision by casting shadows on the retina and appearing as black specks, strings or cobwebs. They may sometimes be associated with retinal tears which require Argon Laser treatment to prevent retinal detachment. Dr Natasha Lim is a pioneer surgeon in laser vitreolysis therapy for the treatment of persistent and problematic floaters.
Laser Floater Removal ( LFR )
LFR is a non-invasive procedure that can treat visual disturbance caused by eye floaters. LFR applies nanosecond pulses of laser light to evaporate vitreous opacities (floaters), converting them into gas, resulting in their removal / reduction in size.
Vision with floaters
Vision without floaters
Vision with cloud floaters
Vision with coweb floaters
Vision with weiss ring floaters
Vision without floaters
Authored by: Dr Natasha Lim
More than 20 years of experience in Ophthalmology
Internationally renowned pioneer LASIK surgeon for LASIK surgery in Singapore
B.MED. Sci (UK)
MRCOphth (Lond)
FRCOphth (Lond)
Medical Director & Senior Consultant
- SILK (Lenticule Extraction)
- Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)
- Cataract Surgery
- 100% Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery
- Presbyopia Correction