Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre – Laser Cataract & LASIK Surgery Singapore

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Surgery + Technology

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

The Stent inject is approved for use in Glaucoma patients in Singapore. It is the SMALLEST KNOWN IMPLANT IN THE HUMAN BODY.

Unlike more invasive glaucoma surgeries, Stent preserves 97% of your eye’s natural tissue.

It consists of three micro Titanium Stents (less than 0.5 mm in size) that are surgically injected into the trabecular drainage meshwork within the front chamber of the eye which works by increasing fluid drainage (called aqueous). The Stent creates tiny channels that the aqueous drains through, thereby reducing the eye pressure (Intraocular Pressure, IOP) within the eyeball.